E3 Metals Corp. provided an update on its 2020 plans and ongoing activities to advance E3 Metals' proprietary Ion-Exchange Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) process. The Project aims to test the commercial readiness of the DLE ion exchange sorbent to produce a high purity lithium concentrate from the Company's Alberta brine. The Project test work involves a comprehensive program focused on optimizing the performance of E3's DLE process through the refinement of all process steps, operating conditions and materials. Once the objectives and milestones of the planned testing are met, the focus will shift towards the Pilot Plant Project to test the IX Process and evaluate the production of concentrate at a larger scale. All brine tested for this program is sourced directly from the Leduc Reservoir. In 2020, E3 Metals is also planning to conduct well testing, which will include brine sampling reservoir pressure testing. The testing activities will focus on improving the reservoir model, collecting information about lithium concentrations outside of oil and gas accumulations and updating the brine delivery plan in E3's resource area.