Extending the lifespan of France's nuclear power plants to 80 years is not taboo and must be put on the table, EDF's Executive Director in charge of nuclear and thermal power plants said on Thursday.

Speaking at a hearing at the French National Assembly, Cédric Lewandowski said that "the question is on the table, it's under scientific investigation at this stage".

"Today, the major scientific, technical and economic consensus is that our fleet is fit to go to 60 years (...). The question of moving from 60 to 80 years of age requires a certain amount of study work, which we are now undertaking", he said.

"80 years is not a taboo. Six reactors in the United States have been licensed to operate for up to 80 years, and our technologies happen to be more or less the same," he added.

(Benjamin Mallet reports, written by Jean Terzian)