• Reports > Current reports > ESPI

Based on § 5.1.1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and on conditions under which information required by legal regulations of a third country may be recognised as equivalent, in connection with obtaining new sources of financing in the form of a loan granted by mBank SA, of which the Company informed in current report No. 16/2015 dated 16 July 2015, Management Board of DTP SA. with headquarters in Warsaw, inform that yesterday, received the order of the District Court for Warsaw. Warsaw XI Economic Department in Warsaw - the register of pledges of 29 September 2015 about registration the pledge in favor of mBank SA, on assets of one of the subsidiaries of the issuer, which assets are pledged as collateral of the loan.

The pledge has been established on a set of claims on existing and future assets of one of the subsidiaries of DTP SA i.e. Debt Trading Partners Sp. z o.o. s.k.a., based in Warsaw. The subject of the pledge are purchased receivables on the basis of contracts of sale and balances in bank accounts.

The value of the secured obligation is $ 20 million including interest, charged at the rate of 1 m WIBOR plus Bank margin. The highest sum of security is $ 30 million, which represents the value of the subject of pledge.

At the same time, the Board of DTP Inc. informs you that there are no capital relations between DTP SA, and there are no links between the management board, board members, or managers of DTP SA and pladgee.

The criterion of recognition of a Registrar for subject to disclosure according to § 5.1.1 (1) of the regulation was to establish a lien on the assets of great value which is at least 100% of the value of the assets of great value.

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