DoubleVerify announced the global availability of its first comprehensive media authentication offering on Reddit. This release makes available to Reddit advertisers the DV Authentic Ad®? a proprietary metric that offers advertisers an additional layer of trusted, third-party transparency into campaign delivery in a brand suitable environment, within the intended geography ?

on their Reddit ads. Reddit is one of the most-visited websites, comprising over 100,000 communities dedicated to every topic and interest imaginable, with rich conversation and authentic human connection. The user-generated content profile of Reddit?s platform encourages high user activity and engagement.

DV?s new offering on Reddit provides advertisers with the following benefits: Brand Equity Protection. DV?s brand safety and suitability measurement ensures that advertising messages are aligned with non-objectionable and suitable content, safeguarding reputation and preserving brand equity. Fraud Detection.

DV helps identify and report fraud and IVT, from hijacked devices to bot manipulation. Viewability Measurement. DV provides comprehensive viewability measurement, offering clarity into whether an ad has the opportunity to be seen and shedding light on its impact.

In-Geo Delivery. DV?s technology can determine whether or not an ad appeared outside a campaign?s intended geography. DV?s brand safety and suitability measurement extends to Reddit In-Feed and Conversation environments.

Following industry standards, DV classifies in-feed content directly above and below ads. For Reddit Conversation placements, a unique advertising format that integrates brand messages with community discussions, DV classifies content directly above the ad. DV Universal Content Intelligence, DoubleVerify?s industry-leading classification engine, powers its brand safety and suitability solution.

Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology, DV analyzes all key content types ? including video, image, audio, speech, text, and link elements ? to provide advertisers with accurate classifications and ensure comprehensive coverage and protection at scale.

DV introduced its viewability and invalid traffic solutions on Reddit late last year. This release provides advertisers with access to additional brand safety and suitability measurement, in-geo authentication and DV Authentic Ad® reporting. Advertisers can activate DV measurement solutions across all formats including Image Ads, Video Ads, Free-form Ads (Text) and Carousel Ads.