Lund, Sweden, 2012-01-31 08:29 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Doro is now applying its expertise and leading position in mobile telecom for seniors to offering Android and Windows-based applications and services.

Doro Experience combines a straightforward user interface, a selection of applications and a web-based service through which the user, a relative or service provider can configure content and applications. Doro will be demonstrating these innovations and others at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona that starts on February 27.

"This represents the first tangible result of how we have combined our expertise on seniors and their evolving needs with the acquisitions we made in the summer of 2011," says Jérôme Arnaud, President and CEO of Doro. "We are happy and proud to be able to develop a digital bridge between generations and to help seniors to a more widely access to applications and the internet world."

For more information, please contact:
President and CEO Jérôme Arnaud, +46 (0)46 280 50 05,
or Vice President and CFO Annette Borén, +46 (0)706 30 00 09.

This is information that Doro AB (publ) is required to publish in accordance with the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Trading Act. This information was submitted for publication on January 31, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. CET.

About Doro
Doro, the leader in the telecom care market, is a Swedish public company. With over 37 years of experience in the telecom industry, the company focuses on developing, marketing  and selling products, software, TeleCare and mHealth solutions specially adapted to the growing worldwide population of seniors. Doro's range of easy-to-use mobile phones is unmatched and its unique know-how has been recognized through several international design awards. The company's products are sold in more than 30 countries on five continents. In FY 2010 revenue totalled SEK 633 m. Doro's shares are quoted on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm exchange, Nordic list, Small companies. Read more about Doro at or at