Dome Gold Mines Ltd. (Dome or the Company) announced an update to the JORC 2012 Mineral Resource Estimates for its 100%-owned Sigatoka Iron Sand Project (SPL 1495), located on the main island of Viti Levu, Fiji. Sonic drilling over the Koroua Island resource area was completed in late 2017 and included a total of 69 sonic drill holes for an average depth of 23.2 m. The sonic holes were drilled on a 100m x 200m spaced grid over Koroua Island, which lies immediately west of the Sigatoka River. The Koroua Island drilling and assay programme included standard QA measures to determine precision, accuracy and short-range geological/HM-grade continuity. A quarter core split was used for analysis subsequent to being photographed, geologically-logged and measured for magnetic susceptibility. A strong correlation between magnetite content and magnetic susceptibility is observed. Drill samples are subjected to contemporary heavy mineral analytical techniques. Diamantina Laboratory is tasked with splitting, wet-screening and heavy media separation. HM residues are combined to conform to the geological interpretation and composites are sent to IHC Robbins for magnetic separation and XRF. A representative selection of samples from each fraction (relative to inherent value) are then forwarded to Process Mineralogy Consultants for semi-quantitative mineral assemblage determination and grain size analysis. All sample residues are retained for future reference and/or test work. A total of 134 Koroua Island heavy mineral composite samples were subjected to the two-stage magnetic separation and XRF analysis. Of these, 48 underwent the full mineral assemblage and grain size analysis. The analytical results from these composites have been incorporated into the latest mineral resource estimate. Results of sample analysis suggest that HM content is high, with a range of 3.1% to 47.3% and an average of 13.3% HM. As expected, the primary magnetic fraction (300 Gauss) is dominated by iron sand minerals (estimated 62.7% of the fraction) representing over one million tonnes of valuable heavy minerals (largely magnetite, plus lesser goethite and hematite) Of the 48 composite samples sent for mineral assemblage analysis, four recorded traces of fine gold and seven show traces of rare earth minerals. Further investigations are underway to determine the significance and extent of the gold and rare earth minerals discovered at Koroua Island. A new phase of sonic drilling commenced in September 2019. This new drilling focuses on the foreshore of the Inferred Kulukulu Resource. The current drilling on a 70m x 140m grid in Kulukulu foreshore area is being targeted as it appears to have higher grade intercepts and will most likely dictate the starting point for sand mining, pursuant to the Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") being conducted by IHC Robbins. Earlier reconnaissance drilling by Dome at Kulukulu indicated that the foreshore area contains abundant sand which is both thick (greater than 30m) and indicatively rich in magnetite. It therefore represents an ideal starting point for mining, especially if the present expectation of using IHC-branded TT sand pumps, instead of dredges, receives full endorsement in the final DFS report. When this new program of drilling is completed in the next few months, it will allow a further upgrade of the Sigatoka Project Mineral Resource inventory.