DOD Biotech Public Company Limited (SET:DOD) agreed to acquire the entire business of BGP Spectrum Power Co. , Ltd. for approximately THB 300 million on December 19, 2018. Under the terms. the acquisition includes all assets, liabilities, rights, obligations and responsibilities, from BGP Spectrum Power Co. , Ltd., currently available and to be available in the future, as of the date of entire business transfer, including 8.1 million ordinary shares in PCCA Laboratory Co., Ltd., held by BGP Spectrum Power Co., Ltd. The consideration comprises of a deposit of THB 150 million and cash in the amount of approximately THB 150 million. The transaction is subject to the condition that PCCA Laboratory shall have duly obtained a Certificate of Building Construction, Modification or Relocation (Or. 6) and a Factory License (RorNgor. 4) as required for the business operations, PCCA Laboratory shall have fully repaid the loans to the Directors and there shall be no legal actions or proceedings by or against BGP Spectrum or PCCA, which shall affect the validity of the transfer of the entire business under the business transfer agreement, nor shall there be any legal actions or proceedings by any person to challenge the execution of the transaction. The transaction was approved by the Board of Directors of DOD Biotech Public Company Limited and is expected to close in January 2019. DOD Biotech Public Company Limited (SET:DOD) completed the acquisition of the entire business of BGP Spectrum Power Co. , Ltd. on January 15, 2019. All conditions precedent were fulfilled.