Datapulse Technology Limited announced the resignation of Choong Chee Peng Bert as Independent Non-Executive Director. Role And Responsibilities: Chairman of Nominating Committee. Job Title: Independent Non-Executive Director - Chairman of Nominating Committee - Member of Audit and Remuneration Committees.

Other DirectorShips Past: Private Company ACT - Nobel Homes Pte. Ltd. (dissolved); Astrid Hill Residences Pte. Ltd. (dissolved); JBT Investments Pte.

Ltd. (dissolved); Nobel Design Holdings Pte. Ltd. (Formerly known as Nobel Design Holdings Ltd.); Shelford Terraces Pte. Ltd. (dissolved) Urban Lofts Pte.

Ltd. (dissolved). Other DirectorShips Present: International Furniture Fair Singapore Pte. Ltd. Reason For Cessation: As set out in the announcement of cessation of Mr. Aw Cheok Huat as the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Choong Chee Peng Bert is resigning as Independent Non-Executive Director due to difficulties encountered with a polarised Board.