Company announcement no. 9: Dataproces begins 2021 by entering into an agreement on our SaaS solution MARS with a larger Danish municipality.

The agreement on MARS has been entered into per the 5th of January 2021 with a larger Jutlandic municipality and is now the 7th municipality to purchase our MARS platform.

By using MARS, the municipality gets a platform which contributes to creating an overview of municipal financial payments and refunds while the platform streamlines digital administration and contributes to a correct foundation of data.

Generally about announcements

The contract is in accordance with Dataproces' strategic focus and does not change the announced guidance.

In all announcements Dataproces distinguishes between three municipality size categories; the 50 smallest municipalities are called municipalities, the 38 middle ones are called larger municipalities and the 10 largest are called top-10 municipalities.

Dataproces only announces seperate contracts on data analyzes with an estimated value higher than 1 million DKK.

The SaaS platforms MARS and Min Sag are central to the company strategy and will be announced each time an agreement has been entered into.


  • John Norden, Certified Advisor, +45 20 720 200,
  • Kjartan Jensen, CEO, +45 41 21 05 01,

About Dataproces Group A/S

Dataproces is an innovative IT and consulting house, specializing in solutions targeted at the Danish municipalities and their digital administration. The solutions range widely from robot technology and SaaS, to data analysis as well as collaboration and consulting. The starting point and purpose are always the same: to use data to create new knowledge, smarter processes and increased efficiency for the benefit of both citizens and municipalities. 

Dataproces – we create value with data!


  • Download announcement as PDF.pdf

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