Daiki Axis announced consolidated earnings results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017, the company generated net sales of JPY 33,561 million (up 2.3% year over year), operating income of JPY 1,143 million (up 22.8% year over year) and ordinary income of JPY 1,342 million (up 18.2% year over year). Profit attributable to owners of parent was JPY 744 million (down 14.8% year over year).

Fiscal 2018 marks the final year to the V-PLAN60 medium-term management plan. Under this plan, the Company will work to enhance corporate value. For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, the company forecasts consolidated net income of JPY 35.6 billion, ordinary income of JPY 1.5 billion, and profit attributable to owners of parent of JPY 1.0 billion.