Daewoong Pharmaceutical announced on the 19th that they set up a booth at the Digestive Disease Week®? 2023 (DDW 2023) held in Chicago, USA and revealed new clinical data through two poster sessions demonstrating the efficacy and safety of Fexuclue®? (active ingredient name: Fexuprazan) on patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

DDW is the conference where over 10,000 doctors, researchers, and gastroenterology experts are gathered from all around the world and share their recent studies and clinical practices. Throughout the conference, in addition to two poster sessions, Daewoong have a physical presence located at booth #4729, where the representatives of the company presented on-site to provide medical information regarding Daewoong's Fexuprazan and were able to make active scientific and academic exchanges with gastroenterologist from all over the world based on clinical trial results. On May 7th local time, Daewoong Pharmaceutical had two poster sessions, which were an investigator initiated trial (IIT) conducted in South Korea to compare the healing rates of a mucosal breaks by Fexuprazan before and after food intake, and a pivotal phase 3 clinical trial conducted in China to assess the efficacy and safety of Fexuprazan in treating the EE.

The IIT led by Sung In-Kyung, a professor of gastroenterology at Konkuk University, assessed the efficacy and safety of Fexuprazan in patients with erosive esophagitis. The ability to administer Fexuprazan irrespective of food intake provides potential differentiation from most PPIs. At two and four weeks, Fexuprazan has shown the potential to provide a faster and stronger in suppressing the production of gastric acid than PPIs.

The company anticipates that the investigational use of Fexuprazan will exhibit excellent efficacy in other conditions resulting from excessive gastric acid secretion.