Cytophage Technologies Ltd. provided an interim update on the recently completed human trial at The Ottawa Hospital where Cytophage bacteriophages were used to treat a patient with an antibiotic- resistant prosthetic joint infection. The patient had previously undergone 15 surgeries and was facing the potential amputation of her leg at the waist. She was treated with Cytophage phages for several weeks, via both direct injection and through an IV line, and the Company is happy to report that according to her physician, infectious diseases clinician-scientist Dr. Marisa Azad (Principal Investigator), her condition is steadily improving with inflammation in her body decreasing.

As this is the first time a joint replacement infection has been treated with a bacteriophage in Canada, this landmark treatment has caught the attention of national news media with both CTV and CBC reporting on the phage trial in several segments. Media segments published to date include: CBC The National: Experimental treatment using viruses helps woman avoid amputation. CTV National News: Phage Therapy in Canada.

CBC News: This was my last resort, Ottawa-area woman says of experimental phage therapy to treat infection. CTV Winnipeg: This is why we're here: A Winnipeg biotech company's role in a new treatment used in Canada. Dr. Azad received special approval from Health Canada for this single subject clinical trial.

Cytophage is expecting to share additional information on this trial with the public as permitted.