Cape Lambert Resources Limited (Cape Lambert or the Company) announced that it has restructured its Board. The Company announced the appointment of Mr. Terry Donnelly as a Non-Executive Chairman of the Company with effect from 4 August 2020. Mr. Donnelly began his career in the banking industry, subsequently becoming a management consultant, specialising in export marketing in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Japan. The Company also announced that Non-Executive Director Mr. Mark Hancock has resigned as a non-executive Director of the Company effective from August 4, 2020. Tony Sage is currently providing the services of Executive Chairman to Cape Lambert via Okewood Pty Ltd. To enable Mr. Sage to focus on his role as Executive Director and growing Cape Lambert's business, Mr. Terry Donnelly will act as Independent Non-Executive Chair of the Company. The appointment of Mr. Donnelly to this role is also consistent with the recommendations of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.