Cybeats Technologies Corp. reported a trial engagement for its cybersecurity platform with one of top five largest diversified video game and entertainment software companies in the world. The trial engagement is for Cybeats SBOM Studio, an enterprise SBOM Management and software supply chain intelligence technology platform.

SBOM Studio provides organizations, including large video game companies, the capability to efficiently manage SBOMs and software vulnerabilities, and provides proactive mitigation of cybersecurity risks to their software and valuable assets. SBOM Studio provides organizations with the capability to efficiently manage SBOMs and software vulnerabilities and provides proactive mitigation of risks to their software supply chain. Key product features include robust software supply chain intelligence, universal SBOM document management and repository, continuous vulnerability, threat insights, precise risk management, open-source software license infringement and utilization, and secure SBOM exchange with regulatory authorities, customers and vendors, at reduced cost.