Cybeats Technologies Corp. reported on the unveiling of APMA's Project Arrow, the all- Canadian zero-emission electric concept vehicle, in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Cybeats is honoured to be designated the 'Official SBOM Management Provider' of Project Arrow.

Project Arrow, a strategic partner of Cybeats, debuted their highly anticipated electric vehicle at CES, showcasing its advanced technology and innovative design. The event was a major milestone for Project Arrow and solidified their position as a leader in the electric vehicle industry. As partners of the APMA, Canada's national association representing OEM producers of parts, equipment, tools, supplies, advanced technology, Cybeats gains access to the APMA partner network and commercial opportunities throughout the Canadian auto sector.

APMA of Canada launched the first original, full-build, zero-emission concept vehicle named "Project Arrow." The all-Canadian concept vehicle is to be designed, engineered, and built through the joint efforts of the world-class automotive supply sector and post-secondary institutions in Canada. Answering the federal government's call for a zero-emissions future by 2050, Project Arrow brings together the best- in-class of Canada's electric-drive, alternative-fuel, connected, autonomous, and light-weight technology companies. As the North American market enters a new automotive era focused on "ACES" (autonomous, connected, electric, shared), Project Arrow is a lighthouse initiative that showcases the capability of Canada's world-class automotive supply sector by bringing together Canada's Tier 1 supply chain, auto-tech SMEs, and academic institutions.

Project Arrow builds on the success of Canada's auto sector in advanced manufacturing with the goal of establishing a more value-added, technology-centered foundation to drive a new age of automotive. The initiative will encourage OEMs in Canada and elsewhere to invest in developing next-generation products and technologies within the Canadian auto tech ecosystem.