Dijon, France - Crossject (ISIN: FR0011716265; Euronext: ALCJ), a specialty pharma company in advanced phases of development and registration for ZEPIZURE, its emergency treatment for the management of epileptic crises based on its award-winning needle-free auto-injector ZENEO, provides additional, clinically meaningful perspectives on ZEPIZURE in light of its recently published bioequivalence study results and of the conclusions and hints by the authors of the RAMPART study1, a landmark double-blind randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of IM midazolam vs. IV lorazepam in the pre-hospital treatment of status epilepticus by paramedics.

Status epilepticus is defined as a seizure lasting more than 5 minutes.

RAMPART unequivocally raised IM midazolam to the status of standard-of-care in the pre-hospital emergency management of status epilepticus by demonstrating its non-inferiority vs. IV lorazepam, as its primary endpoint. Moreover, IM midazolam demonstrated statistically significant superiority (p value

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