Crater Gold Mining Limited announced that a RC drilling program, targeting anomalies recently identified by the recent HEM survey, will commence shortly. A large number of high priority, strong linear, anomalies were identified in the recent HEM survey at Croydon. Additionally, more localised discrete, moderate to weak, anomalies were also identified.

All anomalies are considered to be of significant exploration interest. While most are expected to be due to strongly graphite mineralisation, some may be associated with sulphitic gold bearing quartz reefs or gold bearing quartz reefs closely associated with graphite. The red stars indicate the strongest/higher priority anomalies, with the black stars indicating the additional moderate to weak anomalies.

Graphite is particularly conductive and commonly well defined in HEM surveys. Many of the anomalies are represented as extensive linear type conductive zones with a well-defined shallow easterly dip. There is also possible evidence for the presence of more localised, thicker fold-type/pipe-like, conductive zones.

The targets to be tested in this drilling campaign will be areas within the following EM anomalies, S2, S3, S4 North, S4 South & S7. After this drilling program is completed, the Company plans to undertake more RC drilling in combination with diamond core drilling in March or April next year after the end of the wet season.