Charles River Associates revised preliminary unaudited earnings guidance for the year ended January 2, 2016. Based on preliminary unaudited financial data and subject to the final closing of the company's books, for the full 2015 fiscal year, the company expects non-GAAP revenue in the range of $305 million to $307 million and non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA margin between 15.6% and 16.0%, each as determined on a constant currency basis relative to fiscal 2014. This non-GAAP revenue and adjusted EBITDA margin, if determined without the constant currency assumption, would be lower by approximately $6.3 million and 15 basis points, respectively.

This updated guidance compares with company's previous full-year fiscal 2015 guidance of non-GAAP revenue in the range of $312 million to $320 million and non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA margin between 16.3% to 16.7%, each as determined on a constant currency basis relative to fiscal 2014.