Conformis, Inc. announced the full commercial launch of its new Imprint™ knee system. This launch marks the formal transition to its new U.S. business model where the made-to-measure Imprint™ system is now the Conformis' primary knee offering, and the fully personalized iTotal Identity system is available as a deluxe services upgrade option for patients through the Company's Image-to-Implant® Platinum Services Program. Imprint combines several of the best features of the company's fully personalized iTotal™ implant systems with aspects of traditional off-the-shelf systems. Its data-informed design is based on the rigorous analysis and subsequent standardizing of key variables behind Conformis' over 85,000 fully personalized implants made to date to achieve best-in-class bone coverage, fit, and recreation of natural motion.

Unlike traditional off-the-shelf systems, Imprint starts with a CT scan to capture critical measurements to provide a complete 3D view of each patient's unique joint. Then, advanced artificial intelligence-based software selects the optimal implant size from among the twelve options available.