Proximic by Comscore, a division of Comscore Inc. has enabled a new suite of audience segments that reach users based on exposure to specific political campaigns and local TV exposure. The new segments arrive, available exclusively to clients of global digital media-buying platform, The Trade Desk. Heading into the 2024 election year that's forecasted to exceed a record $10 billion in political ad spend, these new segments allow marketers to reach political audiences in a privacy-centric way, using Comscore's unique, customizable political TV ad exposure segments.

Available at the presidential, Senate, house and Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Guarded level, Proximic by Comscore is building on its commitment to providing marketers with precise and scalable ways to reach their intended audiences. The political TV ad exposure custom segments are available as ID-based audiences and ID-free contextual predictive Audiences. Primary use cases include: Reach extension: Marketers can suppress viewers of a candidate's linear TV ads to increase or reduce frequency across other channels.

Increase share of voice: Marketers can target audiences who have been exposed to competitor candidates' ads, to increase their own share of voice. The launch of Proximic by ComScore's political local TV ad exposure segments adds to Proximic's existing offering of dynamic political advertising capabilities. Through their innovative suite of ID-based and ID-less audience and content targeting segments Proximic by Com score supports the evolution of the programmatic ecosystem, enabling clients and partners to continue executing impactful advertising strategies.