RESTON, Va., Jan. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its monthly comScore qSearch analysis of the U.S. search marketplace. Google Sites led the explicit core search market in December with 67.3 percent of search queries conducted.


U.S. Explicit Core Search
Google Sites led the U.S. explicit core search market in December with 67.3 percent market share (up 0.6 percentage points), followed by Microsoft Sites with 18.2 percent (up 0.1 percentage points) and Yahoo Sites with 10.8 percent. Ask Network accounted for 2.5 percent of explicit core searches, followed by AOL, Inc. with 1.3 percent.

    comScore Explicit Core Search Share Report*
    December 2013 vs. November 2013
    Total U.S. - Home & Work Locations
    Source: comScore qSearch
    Core Search Entity                                     Explicit Core Search
                                                             Share (%)
    ------------------                                     --------------------
                           Nov-13                             Dec-13          Point Change
                           ------                             ------          ------------
    Total Explicit Core Search                              100.0%   100.0%                N/A
    --------------------------                              -----    -----                 ---
    Google Sites                                             66.7%    67.3%                0.6
    ------------                                             ----     ----                 ---
    Microsoft Sites                                          18.1%    18.2%                0.1
    ---------------                                          ----     ----                 ---
    Yahoo Sites                                              11.2%    10.8%               -0.4
    -----------                                              ----     ----                ----
    Ask Network                                               2.6%     2.5%               -0.1
    -----------                                               ---      ---                ----
    AOL, Inc.                                                 1.4%     1.3%               -0.1
    ---------                                                 ---      ---                ----

    *"Explicit Core Search"
     excludes contextually
     driven searches that do
     not reflect specific user
     intent to interact with
     the search results.

18.3 billion explicit core searches were conducted in December, with Google Sites ranking first with 12.3 billion (up 2 percent). Microsoft Sites ranked second with 3.3 billion searches (up 1 percent), followed by Yahoo Sites with 2 billion, Ask Network with 452 million and AOL, Inc. with 234 million.

    comScore Explicit Core Search Query Report
    December 2013 vs. November 2013
    Total U.S. - Home & Work Locations
    Source: comScore qSearch
    Core Search Entity                                         Explicit Core Search Queries
    ------------------                                         ----------------------------
                           Nov-13                              Dec-13        Percent Change
                           ------                              ------        --------------
    Total Explicit Core Search                              18,124    18,281               1%
    --------------------------                              ------    ------             ---
    Google Sites                                            12,095    12,299               2%
    ------------                                            ------    ------             ---
    Microsoft Sites                                          3,285     3,327               1%
    ---------------                                          -----     -----             ---
    Yahoo Sites                                              2,027     1,969              -3%
    -----------                                              -----     -----             ---
    Ask Network                                                464       452              -3%
    -----------                                                ---       ---             ---
    AOL, Inc.                                                  253       234              -7%
    ---------                                                  ---       ---             ---

"Powered By" Reporting
In December, 68.6 percent of searches carried organic search results from Google (up 0.4 percentage points), while 27.1 percent of searches were powered by Bing.

About comScore
comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in digital measurement and analytics, delivering insights on web, mobile and TV consumer behavior that enable clients to maximize the value of their digital investments. For more information, please visit

SOURCE comScore, Inc.