Belo Horizonte, January 20, 2014 - COPASA MG - Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais - (BM&FBOVESPA: CSMG3), announces its 4Q13 earnings release schedule: Quiet Period

In accordance with fair disclosure and corporate governance best practices, COPASA MG will start its Quiet Period on January 20, ending immediately after the earnings release on January 30. Enquiries not related to the 4Q13 earnings release will be answered normally.

4Q13 Earnings Release Schedule

January 30, 2014 (after market closing)

The release will be available on our website:

Conference Call with simultaneous translation into English

January 31, 2014

12 PM (US-EST), 3 PM (Brasília Time) Phone: (1 516) 300-1066


Should you need further assistance, acess our website or contact the IR department: 31) 3250-2015


COPASA MG´s main activities comprise the planning, preparation, execution, expansion and operation of sanitation services. It also provides technical cooperation services for several municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, including those where it does not hold concessions. COPASA MG focuses its activities in Minas Gerais, the third most economically productive state in Brazil. Since February
2006, COPASA MG's shares have been listed under the ticker CSMG3 in the Novo Mercado trading segment of the Brazilian Securities, Commodities and Future Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA), which comprises those companies with the highest standards of corporate governance.

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