CNC Holdings Limited announced the Company is required to publish its interim results (the "2023/24 Interim Results") and despatch its interim report (the "2023/24 Interim Report"), in respect of the six months ended 30 September 2023, not later than 45 days after the end of the six months of each financial year, i.e. 14 November 2023. As the publication of the 2022/23 First Quarterly Results, the 2022/23 Interim Results, the 2022/23 Third Quarterly Results, the 2022/23 Audited Annual Results and the 2023/24 First Quarterly Results are still pending, the Company is unable to publish the 2023/24 Interim Results and despatch the respective financial reports to the Shareholders within the prescribed time in accordance with the GEM Listing Rules. The Board announce that a meeting of the Board has been held on 24 October 2023 for the purposes of, among other matters, considering and approving the 2021/2022 Audited Annual Results and the 2021/2022 Audited Annual Results has been published on 24 October 2023. The Board announce that a meeting of the Board will be held on 16 November 2023 for the purposes of, among other matters, considering and approving the 2022/23 First Quarterly Results, the 2022/23 Interim Results, the 2022/23 Third Quarterly Results and the 2022/23 Audited Annual Results. Accordingly, the 2022/23 First Quarterly Results, the 2022/23 Interim Results, the 2022/23 Third Quarterly Results, the
2022/23 Audited Annual Results shall be published on the even day. The Board further announces that a meeting of the Board will be held on 22 November 2023 for the purposes of, among other matters, considering and approving the 2023/24 First Quarterly Results and the 2023/24 Interim Results. Accordingly, the 2023/24 First Quarterly Results and the 2023/24 Interim Results shall be published on the even day. Meanwhile, the Company is currently working with the auditors of the Company on finalising the publication of the 2021/22 Annual Report and the 2022/23 Annual Report.