The TCFD recommendations

Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA

2 Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA The TCFD Recommendations


The TCFD Recommendations


TCFD Context Index






Risk management


Metrics and targets




Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA


The TCFD Recommendations

The TCFD Recommendations

There is a growing demand for standardized, climate-related risk disclosure in the financial sector, and creditors and investors are increasingly asking for reporting that is consistent, comparable, and clear. The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) developed recommendations to enhance market transparency and stability and encourages standardized reporting of financially material climate-related risks and opportunities to provide investors, lenders, and insurers with comparability when assessing and pricing companies.

The TCFD recommendations are grouped into four areas of disclosure that represent core elements of how organizations operate: governance, strat- egy, risk management, and metrics and targets. Moreover, the framework separates recommended disclosures into three main categories: risks related to the transition to a lower-carbon economy, risks related to the physical impacts of climate change, and climate-related opportunities. The TCFD has also incorporated potential financial impact as an integral part of its disclosure recommendations.

Cloudberry is in the process of adopting the requirements of the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). In 2023, Cloudberry conducted a double materiality assessment. In the annual sustainability report, we will disclose the material sustainability topics in Cloudberry considering our impact on the environment, people, and society, along with sustainability-related financial risks and opportunities that are relevant to the company. Cloudberry is working to gather the necessary information to be able to meet the full CSRD requirements in the future.

Core Elements of Recommended Climate- Related Financial Disclosures


The organization's governance around climate- related risks and opportunities


The actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization's busi- ness, strategy, and financial planning

Risk Management

The processes used by the organization to identify, assess, and manage climate-related





Metrics and


Metrics and Targets

The metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities

4 Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA TCFD Context Index

TCFD Context Index



Disclose the

Disclose the actual and


potential impacts of

governance around

climate-related risks

climate-related risks and

and opportunities on the


organization's business,

strategy, and financial

planning where such

information is material.

Recommended disclosures

Risk Management

Disclose how the organization identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks.

Metrics and Targets

Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities where such information is material.

  1. Describe the board's oversight of climate- related risks and opportunities
  2. Describe the management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities
  1. Describe the climate- related risks and opportunities the organization has identified over the short, medium, and long term.
  2. Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization's business, strategy, and financial planning.
  1. Describe the organization's process for identifying and assessing climate-related risks.
  2. Describe the organization's processes for managing climate- related risks.

a) Disclose the metrics used

by the organization to

assess climate-related

risks and opportunities

in line with its strategy

and risk management


b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope

2, and, if appropriate,

Scope 3 greenhouse gas

(GHG) emissions, and the

related risks.

  1. Describe the resilience of the organization's strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario
  1. Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organization's overall risk management.

c) Describe the targets used

by the organization to

manage climate-related

risks and opportunities

and performance against


In the changing world we are living in, with rising temperatures, climate-related policy changes, and emerging technologies, both risks and opportunities are becoming more prominent. Failure to limit global warming to 1.5 °C may cause severe changes in the world`s climate, with subsequent dramatic consequences for the planet. The effect of climate change also has consequences for our operating assets that we need to consider in our business planning.

Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA


The TCFD Recommendations


Disclose the company's governance around climate-related risks and opportunities.

Figure 1: Board-level oversight

General Meeting



Board of Directors







Climate-related issues are of high importance to Cloudberry and are integrated into Cloudberry`s overall business strategy and processes. Before a project investment decision, relevant risks are assessed by the Management and later presented to the Board of Directors. The climate-related risks are an integral part of the discussions and evalua- tions. The overall responsibility thus sits within the Board of Directors. In addition, Cloudberry`s overall

risk management process and all risks perceived by the company and its business segments are subject to a quarterly review by the Audit Committee, and an annual thorough review by the Board. The climate-related risks will in addition be assessed by the ESG committee and discussed along with all other relevant risks. The Board of Directors and its work is also described in the company`s Corporate Governance Report.

Figure 2: Executive Management oversight

Chief Executive



ESG / Organization /




Operations (Captiva)

The Executive Management team assesses and manages climate-related risks and opportunities, with the highest level of responsibility lying with the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Compliance and Organization Officer. The manager of the

individual business segment is responsible for assessing relevant risks and for implementing risk-mitigating actions. The Executive Management team follows up quarterly on key mitigation plans and reports annually to the Board of Directors.

6 Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA The TCFD Recommendations


Disclose the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the company`s business, strategy, and financial planning where such information is material.

Cloudberry integrates principles of governance throughout the organization as a key topic that strengthens our sustainability strategy. Such a commitment requires a continuous evaluation of the current climate-related risks and opportunities that could potentially affect Cloudberry's opera- tions. Cloudberry annually updates and assesses climate-related risks and opportunities related to our business development and expansion. Expanding on our climate ambitions, a climate transition plan will be developed, forming an integral part of the overall company strategy. Cloudberry will establish a roadmap to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for both near-term and long-term objectives and actions. Two workshops have been facilitated by a third party, the first was held in 2020, and an update to the risks- and opportunities assessment was carried out in 2022. Key personnel in Cloudberry participated in the mentioned workshops and additional meetings to uncover potential changes from the previous climate risks and opportunities assessment. This process involved personnel from the sustainability, operations, compliance, development, and finance divisions. Additionally, an assessment was conducted during the second half of 2023 to incorporate the newly acquired wind farm portfolio Odin in Denmark. Several changes were identified given the changing physical and transition-related dynamics in the current market.

In total, ten changes to the risks and opportunities were identified. Following the workshop, a summary report was developed outlining the key elements of each risk and opportunity. To accurately monitor and evaluate risks and opportunities, Cloudberry has defined and updated its thresholds for time horizon,

the likelihood of occurrence, and financial impact according to the guidelines of the TCFD framework.

Cloudberry recognizes the impact climate-related risks and opportunities may have on its financial planning. Cloudberry has conducted assessments of and performance on eligible, aligned, and non-eligible economic activities on the KPIs outlined in the EU Taxonomy. The company assessed the business activities against the eligibility and alignment criteria for the two EU environmental objectives: climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. The analysis serves as a foundation for calculating our KPIs as they relate to eligible and aligned Turnover, Capex, and Opex. The company`s EU Taxonomy Report 2023 outlines how our activities contribute substantially to the EU Taxonomy objectives without doing any significant harm and complying with the minimum safeguards. The detailed report is accessible on the company's website.

See Appendix A for an overview of risk identified changes in the 2022 assessment, and Appendix C for a summary of the full-year 2023 Taxonomy alignment.

Climate-related risks and opportunities identified over the short, medium, and long term

We have used the TCFD framework to identify and assess climate-related risks relevant to the com- pany`s positive or negative financial or strategic impacts on a company level. They are addressed in the table below. Cloudberry will continuously analyse and assess its climate-related risk strategy to detect other risks and opportunities.

Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA


The TCFD Recommendations






lihood 1

Impact 2

Horizon 3 Description

Risk mitigation






Exacerbated wear-and-


tear of wind turbines

(i.e., increased service

and maintenance/

repair costs). Higher

risks/costs during

construction (e.g.,

wind days and

delayed construction).

Temporary stop in

production causes loss

in production time, due

to extreme winds.

Cloudberry has emergency plans on- site on all our producing assets. A contingency plan is established. The company uses certified and well-proven technology aims for long service contracts with solid counterparts and ensures that agreements with contractors have substantial buffers

on weather-exposed operations.

Finding solutions for how future wind turbines (or upgrades of older wind turbines) can maximize production based on increased wind strength. It

also opens for the opportunity to build wind parks in areas that are less sensitive.





Damage and lost

The technical standard


production to

and capacity of our

hydropower stations

dams and pipelines

(including higher

are designed to

insurance premiums),

withstand most

as well as lost revenue

floodings. Cloudberry

from overflowing dams.

has emergency plans

Increased precipitation

on-site all its producing

levels can also trigger

assets. Heavy rain

temporary floods,

poses difficulties

presenting a threat

concerning soil

of harm to electrical

erosion and the risk of

equipment within

landslides. Prolonged or

the wind farm and

heavy rain wears away

complicating access for

the soil surrounding

repair tasks.

wind turbines, resulting

in potential degradation

of infrastructure.

It is likely that new permits include demands of creating regulation dams

to our assets for flood prevention. An opportunity to increase the company's production capacity and be able to take full advantage and

be more efficient in producing more power. Overall, increased precipitation will most likely increase revenue for the company.

Changing High

Medium Long

Changes in average

Positioning and

Wind farms will in most


temperatures will

preparing the company

cases get more hours


impact the climate

to cope with scenarios

of production due to

of Norway, Sweden,

from changes in

increased wind, and

and Denmark where

weather patterns by

the production at hydro

Cloudberry's current

investing in technical

plants will increase with

operations are located.

capabilities and

more rainfall, and fewer

Overall warmer

solutions. With the

water-frozen days in the

climate with increased

Captiva portal, the

rivers and lakes due to

temperatures can

company has access

warmer temperatures.

lead to increased

to a live overview of all

Furthermore, with a

rainfall, wind, storms,

our producing assets

warmer climate, comes

and longer periods

with an operational

snow melting to a larger

of drought. These

status, and the weather

degree than normal,

climate changes may

situation at the

and hydropower plants

affect and disrupt

locations. Cloudberry`s

that previously have

Cloudberry's energy

mitigation strategy

been water frozen

production. Possible

for changing weather

during winters might

scenarios are flooding

patterns is also

be able to produce

at hydro plants resulting

reflected in Cloudberry's

power during the winter

in less production. More

portfolio developments,


storms and lightning

being diversified within

increase the risk of

hydro-, wind and

damaging wind farm

potentially sun power

blades and electrical

development and

equipment, potentially


causing months-long

production downtime.

Droughts leading to

low water levels forcing

the company to reduce

or even fully stop the

electricity production.

8 Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA The TCFD Recommendations






lihood 1

Impact 2

Horizon 3 Description

Risk mitigation


Transitional Risks and Opportunities

Policy and legal

Significant High



Significant changes

Being at the forefront

Stricter energy

changes in

in the regulatory

is of high importance

Regulations and


framework could

when preparing for

CO2 taxes lead to


have an impact on

significant changes

possibilities for the

the renewable energy

in regulatory

renewable energy

sector. The European

framework, Cloudberry

sector and provides

Union has through its

has a dedicated

business opportunities.

announced ambitions

group working

With regulatory

and strategies set out

with government

frameworks such as

an ambitious pathway

relations and market

the EU Taxonomy

for reducing emissions.


and Corporate Social

Upcoming reporting

Priorities and guidelines

Responsibility Directive

legislations such as the

are prepared to

(CSRD) comes revised

Corporate Sustainability

safeguard that the

directives. Cloudberry

Reporting Directive

company takes

values standardization

(CSRD) standardizes the

position where

of laws and standards

reporting requirements

possible. Cloudberry

which speeds up the

for companies and sets

is working proactively

transition of capital

out disclosures that

through cooperation

towards the renewable

covers the three main

with organizations,

energy sector, and

pillars of sustainability,

municipalities, the

the company is well

E, S & G. Similarly,

industry, through the

positioned to capitalize

the EU Taxonomy

media and meetings

on the increased

requires companies

with politicians in the

demand for renewable

to classify their

Government and the

energy projects and

products and services



according to a set of

sustainability criteria.

These regulations will

directly impact the

demand for renewable

energy sources. The

new taxation for the

renewable energy

sector in Norway

consisting of an

increased tax on

onshore wind and a

windfall tax on hydro

and wind power, could

slow down or interrupt

plans of upgrading and

developing renewable

energy plants. This is

a risk to a necessary

green shift in Norway.


Medium Medium Short

Historically the

Cloudberry is following

The REPowerEU


process of receiving

political proposals and

Plan (2022) and the


concession for

industry association's

intention to speed

constructing a power


up the oncoming

plant has been long

on new or revised

green transition may

due to a more stringent

regulations. Cloudberry

contribute to that

regulatory process.

seeks to involve with

permit regulations may

This is especially

local communities,

be revised and shorter

relevant for wind. With


time schedule for future

the introduction of

and other relevant

developing projects.

REPowerEU Plan (2022)

stakeholders from

In Sweden there is

the concession process

greenfield projects but

an ongoing political

will be reduced with

also on M&A processes

process on wind

the goal to produce

to secure potential

development projects,

more renewable energy

mitigations plans

to move the local "veto"

in the near future. For

in regard to revised

from municipalities to

hydropower, revision


national level, which

of existing hydropower

may speed up the

regulation plans is

process of concession

considered low risk as

and revised permit

the concessions are



Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA


The TCFD Recommendations






lihood 1

Impact 2

Horizon 3 Description

Risk mitigation


Risks and Opportunities




Medium Medium Medium Technology related

Cloudberry will maintain

By closely monitoring


to hydro and wind

a portfolio of assets



generators experience

employing relevant and


rapid improvements.

efficient technology

Cloudberry can adapt

Captiva, a company

and will ensure that

and seize opportunities

owned by Cloudberry,

its operating portfolio

that arise from

is a data-driven

remains competitive in

technology shifts. Being

operator, manager, and

an evolving landscape.

a smaller company

developer of renewable

The company invests

allows Cloudberry to be

energy, which delivers

in power plants

agile and implement

management services

of expected high

strategic initiatives

within operations

technical standards

rapidly as required

and maintenance,

and prioritizes technical

by technological

e.g., technical and

solutions that are


commercial digital

well-proven and


services, and

delivered by reputable

improvements, solutions

operational intelligence,

suppliers. As a part of

and services will

visualization and

Cloudberry`s overall

increase the production

reporting solutions

strategy, and with the

of renewable energy

to renewable energy

data-driven Captiva,

and improve profitability.

projects in the Nordics.

Cloudberry delivers

This influences and

management services

results in attractive

within operations and

insurance terms and

maintenance. The

funding. In addition,

company relies on

the improvement of

being updated on new

technical solutions

technologies related

enables an increase in

to power production,

the output of renewable

operations, and market

energy technologies

activities. Cloudberry

without adding any

is well-informed of

negative environmental

ongoing initiatives and


promising technologies.

10 Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA The TCFD Recommendations






lihood 1

Impact 2

Horizon 3 Description

Risk mitigation







It is difficult to predict


power prices. Power


prices may rise from

volatility in commodity

prices increased

CO2 prices, or higher

electricity demand, or

they might fall from

an expanded supply

for instance due to



Cloudberry cautiously follows the market fundamentals and power price forecasts in the short- and long-term. To mitigate the downside risk

of volatile power prices, Cloudberry is positioning its production portfolio so that the company is not dependent on one price area as a hedge toward lock-in effects in the case of depressed prices in certain price areas. Cloudberry has a well-developed overall risk management strategy including price hedging of electricity, and a small portion of the portfolio with PPA to secure fixed income in the short- and medium- term. This strategy further includes close monitoring of market developments, with a special focus on the Nordics.

Cloudberry believes there are strong, fundamental drivers behind a stable, relatively high prices Nordic power market going forward, such as increase in consumption from both electrification and new power intensive industries.

The company's ability to execute on both transactions and new investments without affixing a PPA to projects, may enable Cloudberry to both act on investment opportunities and investment decisions others cannot. With a strong financial capability, Cloudberry may also find opportunities in assets in distress due to, for example, short-term lower power prices, such as seen in for example NO3 and NO4 during the summer of 2022.






Medium Short

More extreme weather


conditions may

cause disruptions in

Cloudberry's supply

chain. Certain products

and components are

dependent on very few

suppliers often in Asia.

A flooding in China

may lead to delayed

deliveries of crucial

components during

the construction stage,

or when a turbine on

a wind power plant

needs replacement

of a component.

Consequently, extreme

weather could disrupt

the production and

transportation of the

specific component,

which could delay or

shut down a renewable

energy plant. In

addition, there is not

much willingness to

enter into long-term

contracts with suppliers

anymore due to the

unpredictable situation,

possible disruptions

and volatile prices.

This increases the risk

of higher costs in our


Long-term relationships with crucial suppliers are helpful in times of supply chain issues. In addition, it is a priority to have suppliers

that are located as close as possible to the construction site to take down the risk of disruptions in the supply chain and the environmental impact. Cloudberry also seeks to reduce the number of suppliers and steps of sub-suppliers in the supply chain to increase control and transparency. For maintenance of our power plants, the company will consider the need for a backup storage of crucial components that need regular replacement.

By prioritizing more nearby suppliers, Cloudberry will gain a greater degree of control over its value chain and reduce the environmental impact. It will also be easier to follow up with the suppliers during the construction stage, during maintenance and repair which reduces the downtime of a power plant.


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Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA published this content on 19 March 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 19 March 2024 14:31:07 UTC.