Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd. announced that it has received a purchase order with a retail list value of $9 million for its CX-6 SMART SeederTM and SMART CartTM from Rocky Mountain Equipment for the upcoming seeding seasons. The purchase order is the result of the Company and RME's joint demonstration program during 2017 across Western Canada. This order springboards the Company into full commercialization while providing a strong baseline allowing Clean Seed to pursue new market opportunities throughout the upcoming seeding season. The Company is continuing to progress its sales and marketing program by working alongside with RME to present at trade shows and host on farm demonstrations of the CX-6 SMART SeederTM across Western Canada. As a result, RME will have the option to increase the number of units within the purchase order based on the demand for the CX-6 SMART SeederTM and may further adjust the number of units based on the feedback received from mutual customers. With 35 retail locations throughout the Canadian Prairies, RME is Canada's largest agriculture equipment dealer.