China Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. announced directors elected at the 2024 Annual Shareholders Meeting (including independent directors). Title and name of the previous position holder: Director: Chen, Chao-Yong and Independent Director: Yeh, Tsang-Yeh. Resume of the previous position holder: Director: Chen, Chao-Yong/Chairman of China Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. and Independent Director: Yeh, Tsang-Yeh/Independent Director of China Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. Title and name of the new position holder: Director: Great Universe Enterprises Co., Ltd. Representative: Chen, Lian-Yin and Wu, Kao-Teng.

Resume of the new position holder: Director: Great Universe Enterprises Co., Ltd./Representative: Chen, Lian-Yin/Chairman of Great Universe Metal Building Materials Corp. and Independent Director: Wu, Kao-Teng/Served Vice President of Sales, Grand Fortune Securities. Original term: from July 22, 2021 to July 21, 2024.

Date of occurrence of the change: June 21, 2024.