China Baoli Technologies Holdings Limited provided consolidated earnings guidance for the six months ended September 30, 2016. Based on a preliminary assessment by the company's management of the unaudited consolidated management accounts of the group for the six months ended September 30, 2016, it is expected that the consolidated results of the group may record an increase of approximately HKD 228 million in the loss for the interim period as compared with the corresponding period in 2015. The Board believes that the expected loss for the interim period is primarily attributable to (i) fair value loss on the financial assets at fair value held by the group as a result of the continuous unfavourable stock market condition in Hong Kong in the six months ended on September 30, 2016; (ii) the loss from the tourism and hospitality business; (iii) the share-based payment expenses related to the share options granted during the interim period and the fact that no share option was granted and the absence of share-based payment expenses during the corresponding period in 2015; (iv) the increase in administrative expenses; and (v) the share of loss of an associate (that is Yota) acquired by the group during the interim period.