Certain A Shares of Chengdu Bright Eye Hospital Co., Ltd. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 5-JUL-2024. These A Shares will be under lockup for 744 days starting from 22-JUN-2022 to 5-JUL-2024.

The Company?s holding shareholder Chengdu Purui Shiji Investment Co., Ltd. and actual controller Xu Xuyang committed to not transfer or entrust to a third party the Company?s shares they hold directly or indirectly before the issuance, or allow the company to repurchase those shares within 36 months from the listing date. If within 6 months after the listing, the closing price of the shares is lower than the issuance price for 20 consecutive trading days or if the trading price is lower than the issuance price 6 months after listing, the lock-up period will be automatically extended for another 6 months. After the lock-up has expired, while holding office, Xu Xuyang committed to not transfer more than 25% of shares held each year.

The Company?s shareholders Tibet Changqingshu Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Tibet Qixin Zhisheng Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Tibet Changming Tongcheng Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), and Tibet Furui Gongchuang Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) committed to not transfer or entrust to a third party the Company?s shares they hold directly or indirectly before the issuance, or allow the company to repurchase those shares within 36 months from the listing date. After the lock-up has expired, while holding office, they committed to not transfer more than 25% of shares held each year.

The Company?s directors Yue Yiying, supervisor Lei Defang, deputy general manager Cao Changliang, and financial director Yang Guoping committed to not transfer or entrust to a third party the Company?s shares they hold directly or indirectly before the issuance, or allow the company to repurchase those shares within 12 months from the listing date. If within 6 months after the listing, the closing price of the shares is lower than the issuance price for 20 consecutive trading days or if the trading price is lower than the issuance price 6 months after listing, the lock-up period will be automatically extended for another 6 months. After the lock-up has expired, while holding office, they committed to not transfer more than 25% of shares held each year.

The Company?s shareholders Beijing Hongshan Mingde Equity Investment Center (Limited Partnership), Guoshou Chengda (Shanghai) Health Industry Equity Investment Center (Limited Partnership), Ye Zhaohong, Wang Feixue, Shenzhen Lingyu Jishi Equity Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Maanshan Jishi Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Fund Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Guangzhou Da'an Jinghan Health Care Industry Investment Enterprise (LP), Chongqing Jinpu Phase II Medical Treatment Health Services Industry Equity Investment Fund Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Tan Xiancai, Wuhu Hi-Tech Yida SME Venture Capital Fund (Limited Partnership), Guoyao Junbai (Shandong) Equity Investment Fund Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Jin Lin, Yang Yaqi, Langma No. 9 (Shenzhen) Venture Capital Center (Limited Partnership), Langma No. 7 (Shenzhen) Venture Capital Center (Limited Partnership), and Guangzhou Da'an Jinghan Health Care Industry Investment Enterprise (LP) committed to not transfer or entrust to a third party the Company?s shares they hold directly or indirectly before the issuance, or allow the company to repurchase those shares within 36 months from the listing date.