At this time of the year, many people are looking forward to a break from work and an opportunity to spend time together with family. For some people though, the festive season is not always a positive time. 

Pressures may come from financial concerns, social demands, lack of time, as well as fatigue, general overindulgence and lack of physical exercise. 

Such pressures can lead to increased stress, increased psychological health difficulties, family conflicts, alcohol misuse, domestic abuse, or heightened loneliness and isolation, even in the company of family or due to the absence of significant family members. 

Here are some practical suggestions to safeguard your health and wellbeing this festive season:

  • Take time out - make time for enjoyable and relaxing activities such as reading, hobbies or going to the movies. 
  • Engage in physical exercise - even getting outside for a few minutes can reduces stress levels and enhance your mood. 
  • Eat and drink healthily - overindulging in alcohol, fatty and sugary food can impact your mood.  Try to enjoy treats in moderation and balance with plenty of fruit and vegetables. 
  • Celebrate with others - consider inviting others to your festive celebrations who may have no closely located friends or family to spend time with. 
  • Volunteer - engaging with others through volunteering can provide meaning and perspective, and many charities and not-for-profit organisations need help at this time of year. 
  • Find a listening ear - people who are lonely can find it helpful to speak to someone removed from their situation. 
  • Enhance your health - stress can have big health impacts. Use the holiday period to relax and de-stress in preparation for the new year

Having a tough time and need someone to talk to? Contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 for 24/7 support and advice. 

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