Central Glass Co. Ltd. announced consolidated earnings results for nine months ended December 31, 2015. For the period, the company reported net sales of ¥175,160 million, operating income of ¥11,064 million, ordinary income of ¥11,863 million, income before income taxes of ¥12,220 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥8,916 million or ¥42.88 per share compared to the net sales of ¥142,638 million, operating income of ¥7,887 million, ordinary income of ¥10,182 million, income before income taxes of ¥10,228 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥7,181 million or ¥34.33 per share for the same period a year ago.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016, the company expected net sales of ¥234,000 million, operating income of ¥11,000 million, ordinary income of ¥11,800 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥9,200 million and earnings per share of ¥43.98.