22 January 2013
Company Announcements Office
Australian Securities Exchange
10th Floor
20 Bond Street

ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 220 Via: ASX Online Number of Pages: 1 (including this page) ASX Code: CCF

Dear Sir

Capital Raise

Carbon Conscious Limited is pleased to announce that it intends to conduct a capital raise of approximately up to $1.5 million. The funds will be utilised for reducing debt and for working capital purposes.
The Company intends to conduct the capital raise through a Share Purchase Plan (SPP) to shareholders in conjunction with a placement to sophisticated investors. Details of the capital raise are currently being finalised.

Yours faithfully Trevor Stoney Chairman Carbon Conscious Ltd - Background

Carbon Conscious operates plantation forests by utilising low productivity or degraded farm land in low rainfall areas to plant mallee eucalypt trees, a native species perfectly adapted to the growing conditions of the Australian wheatbelt. This creates large scale carbon estates that produce carbon offset credits. Carbon Conscious Limited was listed on the ASX in May 2008 and has approximately 19,500 hectares of plantings under management across Australia and New Zealand.
For more information, visit www.carbonconscious.com.au.

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