Carawine Resources Limited announced an update for its exploration program at the Company's 100%-owned Jamieson Project in northeast Victoria, host to the Hill 800 and Rhyolite Creek prospects. The first diamond drill hole (H8DD020) targeting down-dip extensions of gold and copper mineralisation at Hill 800 has now been successfully completed, with a second hole in progress. Drilling progress was delayed by difficult ground conditions in H8DD020, followed by State forest closures related to the eastern Victorian bushfires. First assay results are now expected to be received from late February 2020. In the meantime, the Company has been progressing the design of drill holes to test a number of high priority magnetic anomalies as potential porphyry copper-gold targets. Results have recently been received from 3D modelling of the helicopter-borne magnetic survey data, completed over the Jamieson Project late last year. Drilling of these porphyry targets is expected to begin in February 2020. The Company's drilling program is expected to continue for the next two to three months, targeting extensions to known porphyry-related mineralisation at Hill 800, and potential porphyry-related magnetic targets modelled at and around Hill 800, and Rhyolite Creek. The current drilling program at Jamieson is scheduled to continue at least into Second Quarter 2020, targeting extensions to mineralisation at Hill 800 (5 to 6 holes planned), potential porphyry-related magnetic targets modelled at and around Hill 800 (4 to 6 holes planned), and following up known mineralisation and potential porphyry-related magnetic targets at Rhyolite Creek (2 holes planned). The design and order of drilling is likely to change as drilling progresses, so that the results from each drill hole can be considered and incorporated into the overall program. Hill 800 Extension Drilling Update; Diamond drilling at the Jamieson Project commenced in November 2019, initially targeting down-dip extensions of porphyry-related gold and copper mineralisation at Hill 800. The first hole in this program was recently completed (H8DD020), drilled to 309m depth as planned. The second drill hole in the program (H8DD021) is in progress, targeting mineralisation approximately 50m north along strike from H8DD020. The first assay results from these holes are expected towards the end of February. Magnetic data from the heli-mag survey conducted over the Jamieson project in Fourth Quarter 2019 was modelled by the Company's geophysical consultants Southern Geoscience Consultants ("SGC"), producing a project-wide 3D inversion model. From this 3D inversion model, the Company identified fourteen anomalies around Hill 800 and the surrounding area, and two anomalies at Rhyolite Creek on which to focus detailed (2D transect) modelling. These areas are the most advanced in terms of known mineralisation, previous drilling, geological mapping, surface geochemical sampling and access.