Warsaw, 21 January 2015

Implementation of the functional concept for the former Norblin Factory kicks off Capital Park, the investor of a revitalisation project involving the former Norblin Factory and a design team selected in a competition devised a development concept for the retail section of the project. This mixed-use scheme also envisages services, entertainment and cultural facilities, and modern offices - all incorporated in an open public space, the core feature of the project. Future project partners that will eventually create the so-called "Norblin Collection" have started meetings at a lease office that recently opened on Norblin premises.

In accordance with the commercialisation programme, Norblin will be a very special place functioning 24 hours a day, integrated with urban space, with unique retail concepts. At the core of the project will be an open public space or so-called Norblin Street full of cafes, shops and art galleries, with 10 historical buildings that will also feature a display of 44 machines and equipment entered in an industrial heritage register.

Consumer as a starting point

An analysis of current and future consumer trends was a starting point for the functional concept. An exhaustive strategic study takes account of a range of factors including evolution of lifestyle in a big city, ways to spend leisure time, consumer hobbies, culinary preferences and expectations regarding brands, ways of using new technologies and means of transport. The document also features various market development scenarios and an analysis of long-term strategies pursued by Polish and foreign brands.
The development concept envisages several theme zones suited to the activities of future users, their expectations regarding public space, their needs pertaining both to work and "after hours" activities.

New concepts of reputed brands

This unconventional approach attracted strong interest from representatives of top brands attending the MAPIC fair in Cannes in 2014. It turned out that many of them planned to launch entirely new concepts. The store of the future will combine a classical retail space, an interactive space frequently connected with online sales and a space to organise interesting animations for consumers that
will make their contact with the brand more attractive.


Slow retail

As shown by the experience and success of the BioBazaar that has been functioning in the ambience of the post-industrial part of the Wola district for several years now, the contemporary consumer looks for unique concepts not only in the food sector. This is why the commercialisation programme envisages
"slow retail" concepts: not too large, unique shops run by passionate people with perfect knowledge of products they sell.
The BioBazar already boasts a group of loyal customers who can be seen from the windows of the new lease office. This unique place offers cold cuts, meat, poultry, eggs, fruit, vegetables, preserves, fish, pastries and cakes, juices, breads, ready-to-eat foods, oils, cosmetics and cleaning products from over 70 suppliers. This is where ecological attitudes are consistently promoted through cyclical demonstrations and culinary workshops. Norblin's BREEAM-certified future offices will also function in accordance with green building principles.
The BioBazar has already signed a lease agreement to operate on the site of the Former Norblin Factory and so has Piotr i Paweł supermarket chain that will be a part of shopping space designed for residents of nearby estates.

Interactive Museum of the Former Norblin Factory

The Interactive Museum of the Former Norblin Factory organised by a Foundation set up by the investor is the first item on the cultural agenda for the revitalised site. It will be a part of a tourist trail along the metro line.

Project team

An initial concept to develop the revitalised space on the site of the former Norblin factory has been devised by the Mediadem Consulting Group that was selected in a competition. Implementation of the concept and the letting process itself are the responsibility of a special project team, with the Blue Ocean Investment Group (BOIG) as the leading letting agent and Mediadem Consulting as a consultant providing strategic advice. The investor is also directly engaged in the entire process.

Contact: Press Office: Magda Runowska

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