(Corrects to clarify use of accounts in headline, first, second and third paragraphs after comptroller amended statement; fixes spelling of comptroller's surname in second reference in paragraph 2)

NEW YORK, May 25 (Reuters) - The New York City Banking Commission voted to halt deposits into the city's bank accounts at Capital One and KeyBank after the lenders failed to submit plans on their efforts to root out discrimination.

City Comptroller Brad Lander joined Mayor Eric Adams and the department of finance to announce the city would stop making deposits into the two banks, Lander said in a statement Thursday.

The existing accounts will be used to make payments, but no additional deposits will be made, nor will new accounts be opened at either bank, according to a spokesperson for the comptroller.

"Capital One prohibits discrimination and harassment against any applicant, intern, Associate, vendor, contractor, customer, or client on the basis of protected characteristics," the bank said in a statement after the comptroller's announcement. (Reporting by Lananh Nguyen; Editing by Richard Chang)