On January 22, the following insider bought shares in Camposol Holding PLC:

General Counsel of Camposol Holding PLC, Guillermo Lohmann Gandini, purchased
13,000 shares at a price of NOK 12, 50 per share.

This is the first time that Guillermo Lohmann Gandini buys shares in Camposol
Holding PLC.

For further information, please contact:

CEO, Fabio Matarazzo

CFO, Piero Dyer Coriat

Phone: +511 621-0804
Fax: +511 221-4478

Camposol  is  the  leading  agro  industrial  company  in  Peru, involved in the
cultivation,  processing and commercialization of  agricultural products such as
asparagus,  sweet  peppers,  avocado,  mango,  grapes  and tangerines. These are
exported  as fresh, preserved or frozen products mainly to markets in Europe and
the  United States of  North America. Camposol  encompasses a totally integrated
business  from the production of raw material in the fields to processing in the
industrial  plant  and  subsequent  commercialization  in  Europe and the United
States.  Camposol has around 25,000 own hectares of which over 6,000 are already
used  for  agricultural  purposes,  operates  in  2 different  locations  in the
Peruvian  coast, and has  one fully owned  processing plant for fresh, preserved
and frozen products. The company has around 10,000 part and full time employees.

Please visit www.camposol.com.pe <http://www.camposol.com.pe/>

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl
(Norwegian Securities Trading Act)
