In relation to the fire at the Burgos manufacturing plant, Campofrio Food Group informs:

As soon as news of the fire was received, the company's priority has been to assure the safety of all effected people and collaborate with emergency services to extinguish the fire, providing the required information and resources. The company has activated the Group security protocols which are being carried out diligently. Campofrio would like to thank the authorities for their support, as well as the firefighters who have been able to control the fire and are extinguishing it safely.

Though a conclusive evaluation of the consequences has not been completed, at this time it is confirmed that the impact on the installations is considerable. The company has taken the necessary steps to guarantee the supply of products through its other plants, in Spain and the rest of Europe. 

Throughout the day, meetings have been held with work council representatives to explain the current situation. The company is committed to investing in Burgos to recuperate the productive capacity as soon as possible.

Campofrio would like to send a message of calm to all its employees, clients, providers and consumers, as well as thank them for their support and the solidarity received from the City of Burgos, the Community of Castilla and León, the Government Delegation and other institutions and citizens of Burgos.

Campofrio Food Group is the leading European food company in the meat market. In Spain, the company has 9 manufacturing plants. Globally, it has a total of 30 plants. The company produces and commercializes its products in eight European countries and the United States. Additionally, it exports to 80 countries through independent distributors.

For more press information:

Grupo Albión:

Alejandra Moore - - +34 670 799 335
Sofía García - - +34 636 62 03 71
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