This is a correction of the announcement from 08:00 22.01.2010 CET. Reason for
the correction: The attachment is corrected with Friday 12 February 2010 as the
correct meeting date.

Notification is hereby given of an Extraordinary General Meeting in BWG Homes
ASA to be held on Friday 12 February 2010 at 09:00 AM in the Company's premises
at Munkedamsveien 45, Oslo, Norway.

The Board proposes the following agenda:

1. Opening of the Meeting by the Chairman of the Board Harald Walther.
Registration of shareholders present.
2. Election of a person to chair the Meeting.
3. Approval of the notification and the agenda of the Meeting.
4. Election of a person to co-sign the minutes.
5. The Board's proposal to amendment to the Articles of Association concerning
the notice of the general meeting.
6. The Board's proposal to amendment to the Articles of Association concerning
record date in the shareholder register as condition for the right to
participate and vote at the general meeting.

The notice of the EGM, registration form and proxy form are sent to the
shareholders. Shareholders wishing to participate in the Extraordinary General
Meeting, either in person or by proxy, are requested to complete the enclosed
registration form or proxy form and return it by 4.00 PM on Wednesday 10
February 2010. Shareholders may give a proxy to Chairman of the Board Harald
Walther or CEO Lars Nilsen.

The Notice of Meeting is available at the company's website

Oslo, 22 January 2010
For and on behalf of the Board of BWG Homes ASA

Harald Walther

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl
(Norwegian Securities Trading Act)

