Louvain-la-Neuve, 15 November 2013 -- In its latest ABCD Vendor View, Celent describes Solife, BSB's life insurance policy administration system, as a major contender on the European market.

According to Celent, Solife offers above average product configuration features and functions. Celent also notes that since its 2011 review, when BSB was the vendor with the strongest new client acquisition record, the company has kept its growth pace.

Recent contracts include:

  • Russia's Sberbank Insurance, which selected Solife to manage its individual and group life insurance business
  • Belgium's AG Insurance, which decided Solife develop a comprehensive healthcare claims management solution within its existing Solife platform
  • A leading Dutch life insurer, which will use Solife to manage its Closed Books.

Solife now has 29 users in 11 EMEA countries.

Celent's ABCD Vendor View is a standard representation of a vendor marketplace designed to show at a glance the relative positions of each vendor in four categories: Advanced technology, Breadth of functionality, Customer base, and Depth of client services. BSB scores highly in all 4 categories.

Learn more about Solife

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