Bruker Corporation announced the release of the JPK NanoWizard® ULTRA Speed 2 advanced AFM system, which combines highest speed and highest resolution AFM with advanced bio-imaging features. Developed in close collaboration with their expanded worldwide user base, the system is the first new product to come out of Bruker's JPK BioAFM business. With AFM scanning speed of 10 frames per second, true atomic resolution, and advanced life-science capabilities, the JPK NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 raises the bar in technical performance for advanced microscopy applications. JPK's expertise in combining AFM with advanced optical techniques, such as phase, DIC, confocal or spinning disc, single-molecule methods (FRET, FCS, TIRF, FLIM, FRAP), super-resolution methods (STED, PALM/STORM, SIM), and such other techniques as Raman or multiphoton microscopy, enables the new system to deliver unprecedented levels of correlative microscopy. The new JPK NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 is also equipped with Bruker's exclusive PeakForce Tapping®, which provides the user with both superior force control and unmatched AFM ease of use for quantitative high-resolution imaging and property mapping. Now, with access to this unique combination of innovative AFM capabilities, researchers can perform experiments on cells and single molecules with multiparametric methods to simultaneously gain new insights into nanoscale dynamics. The JPKNanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 comes standard with PeakForce Tapping®, Bruker's exclusive technology that provides unprecedented high-resolution imaging and extends AFM measurements into a range of samples not previously accessed, particularly for soft biological samples. The new system also incorporates JPK's signature Vortis 2 high-speed, high-performance control electronics. Designed to meet the needs of all user levels, Vortis 2 delivers the lowest noise levels and highest speeds of signal processing. A revolutionary new, workflow-based software graphical user interface (GUI) opens a new chapter in easy-to-use AFM operation. The software provides user guidance and user management modules that allow researchers to focus on their experiments, making the JPK NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 perfect for multi-user environments or imaging facilities. These features are backed by the widest range of accessories on the market, providing the most application and experiment versatility available for users.