App StudioTM announced its partnership with Appboy, the Marketing Automation for Apps platform that helps brands increase mobile engagement, avoid app abandonment and maximise the lifetime value of users. Through the partnership, App Studio users can take advantage of customer segmentation, tailored push messaging and multivariate testing in order to take app engagement to the next level. Nurturing mobile relationships and cultivating ongoing user engagement is more important than ever to the success and longevity of an app.

In addition to engagement and nurturing features, the partnership offers App Studio users market segmentation based on any data point, allowing for the creation and delivery of targeted messages to specific segments. With Appboy, App Studio users can also analyze how consumers interact with apps. For example, multivariate testing allows mobile marketers to test message variations to determine which generate the maximum amount of conversions.

Combined with Appboys campaign retargeting feature, mobile marketers are able to run more meaningful and productive campaigns.