3 January 2013
The Manager - Listings
Australian Securities Exchange Limited
Exchange Centre
20 Bridge Street

Via electronic lodgement

Dear Sir/Madam

Brambles Limited

ABN 89 118 896 021

Level 40 Gateway 1 Macquarie Place

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

GPO Box 4173 Sydney NSW 2001

Tel +61 2 9256 5222 Fax +61 2 9256 5299 www.brambles.com


Reference is made to Brambles' announcement on 17 December 2012 that it had signed a sale and purchase agreement to acquire Pallecon, a leading provider of Intermediate Bulk Container solutions in Europe and the Asia-Pacific, for €135 million (US$177 million). Brambles announces that completion of the acquisition of Pallecon took place on 2 January
2013, Central European Time.
Yours faithfully

Brambles Limited Robert Gerrard

Group Company Secretary

For further information, please contact:

Cathy Press James Hall

Group Vice President, Capital Markets Senior Director, Investor Relations & Corporate Affairs

+61 2 9256 5241 +61 2 9256 5262

+61 419 290 745 +61 401 524 645 cathy.press@brambles.com james.hall@brambles.com

Brambles Limited (ASX: BXB) is the world's leading provider of pallet, crate and container pooling solutions through the CHEP and IFCO brands, and a leading provider of information management solutions through the Recall brand. Brambles employs approximately 17,000 people in more than 50 countries. For further information on Brambles and all announcements, presentations and webcasts, please visit www.brambles.com.

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