BlackBerry Limited introduced a new feature of BlackBerry® Jarvis®, the company's software composition analysis tool, that enables those doing business with the U.S. Federal Government to comply with the recent software bill of materials (SBOM) requirement from President Biden's Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity. In response to the new standard, BlackBerry QNX has added a specific capability to BlackBerry Jarvis that enables users to efficiently generate a comprehensive SBOM report that follows the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX®) report standard, one of the leading standards to support the U.S. government and other regulatory bodies. Available in early 2022, BlackBerry Jarvis will become one of the first software composition analysis tools to provide this key feature to embedded software developers whose products are used by the Federal Government.

This will empower these developers to keep software secure from all known issues based on the speedy and actionable intelligence provided by the tool.