Biotricity Inc. announced that it will be expanding the scope of a previously approved clinical investigation of fetal heart rate variability (fHRV) to include maternal HRV and other key physiologic metrics for maximum predictive accuracy and efficiency. This extension aligns well with the company's ongoing research into clinical HRV and continues to leverage its strategic relationships to conduct innovative collaborative research without losing intellectual property (IP) or incurring additional costs. HRV is a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. A high HRV is a good indicator of greater cardiovascular fitness and resilience to stress, and thus a good indicator of overall health. It can also be used to differentiate between stable patients and those who may develop complications. Biotricity has observed and validated this capability in its initial clinical HRV study in the adult population, and it is well established in the delivery suite as well. A mobile, wireless and non-invasive maternal monitoring solution that incorporates HRV metrics will allow for real-time and real-life evaluation of both maternal and fetal health, which is especially important for higher-risk pregnancies.