Bone Therapeutics anticipated completing recruitment of the required 32 patients for the ALLOB(®) spinal fusion Phase IIA clinical trial in the first quarter of 2018. Additionally, it plans to report the final results of the ALLOB(®) Phase I/IIA delayed-union study during the first half of 2018. A potential value inflection point is expected in the second half of 2018, as the Company expects to present the interim results after a one-year follow-up period of the first 44 patients in its Phase III study of PREOB(®) in osteonecrosis. Strong efficacy results from this interim analysis could allow the trial to be stopped at this stage. Additionally, the preparation for a multicentre, controlled Phase IIB study for the treatment of difficult fractures with ALLOB(®) has been initiated, and the start of the study is anticipated in the second half of 2018.