BioLife Sciences Inc. announced the launch of its first line of cannabinoid consumer products. The Company will be offering six distinct industrial hemp-based tincture formulations. The hemp sciences division will be a subsector of the orthomolecular medicine and natural health products line.

BioLife has finalized formulations on six new tinctures. These new formulas were driven by the Company's recent acquisition of Health Box LLC in early 2022. Each tincture will feature varying mixes of non-psychoactive cannabinoids and robust terpene profiles, designed for maximizing the health benefits for consumers.

BioLife will not only focus on CBD products, but will offer synergistic blends which utilize the lesser known cannabinoids, including, but not limited to, CBG, CBN, CBGA, CBDA, CBNA, plant terpenes and flavonoids. Hemp products that are listed as full spectrum, for producing the entourage effect, a term used to describe the plant's compounds working together to offer more complete relief. This is in direct contrast to products which only utilize CBD isolate, Additionally, full-spectrum products have had all THC traces removed.

BioLife intends to continue to expand its hemp-based product line once the tinctures have been released, with plans on expanding to salves, syrups, coffees, teas and lotions.