Biocorp announces the issue of convertible bonds under a December 30, 2022 agreement with three funds managed by Vatel Capital, enabling the medical device company to strengthen its available cash position to the tune of 2.5 million euros.

The 2,500.000 convertible bonds with a nominal value of one euro will not be listed on Euronext Growth Paris, but any shares resulting from their conversion will be listed on the same line as existing shares as soon as they are issued.

The convertible bonds will be issued for a period of five years expiring on December 28, 2027, and will bear interest at an annual rate of 7.9% per annum. This annual rate will be increased by a non-conversion premium which will be capitalized and equal to an additional interest of 0.1%.

On the basis of the existing share capital, a shareholder holding 1% of Biocorp's share capital would hold 0.83% if the maximum number of new shares were issued, resulting in the issue of a total of 882,457 shares.

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