BIO-key International, Inc. announced that six county governments in KS, VA, NM, FL, SD, and NY have recently selected its PortalGuard IDaaS platform for improved data security and regulatory and insurance compliance. County governments are facing a cascade of ransomware attacks targeting the public sector, so they require proven IAM solutions like PortalGuard that enable secure and convenient access to devices, information, applications, and transactions. In partnership with the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC), BIO-key is proud to help educate county leaders on the most imminent cyber security threats and baseline cyber defense strategies to protect their governments and constituents.

County Governments are selecting PortalGuard over competitive solutions because of its flexible multi-factor authentication (MFA) capabilities and tight integration with highly secure Identity-Bound Biometrics. Incorporating BIO-key's multiple biometric authentication options, which confirm each user's true identity instead of merely validating their hardware device, delivers much more robust protection against cyber security threats – while providing very user-friendly means to access county systems and data. The combination of BIO-key's PIV-Pro fingerprint readers, a highly accurate FIPS 201 compliant scanner for office users, and BIO-key's MobileAuth application with PalmPositive biometric palm authentication for remote users, provides counties with very flexible options that ensure a successful implementation of advanced security capabilities.