
Communiqué de presse

Informations réglementées

Notification de déclaration de transparence (Article 14 de la loi du 2 mai 2007)

Oddo et Cie SCA et Franklin Templeton Institutional, LLC

Bruxelles, le 22 janvier 2016 (17h35 CET) - Le 18 janvier 2016, Oddo et Cie SCA (« Oddo ») et Franklin Templeton Institutional, LLC (« FT ») ont notifié à BHF Kleinwort Benson Group (« BHF KB») que, suite à la satisfaction des conditions suspensives de la convention d'achat d'actions conditionnelle en vertu de laquelle Oddo et FT agissaient de concert, Oddo avait, le 13 janvier 2016, effectivement acquis de FT 23.206.881 actions BHF KB.

Oddo et FT ont également notifié à BHF KB qu'en conséquence de cette acquisition, la participation de Oddo dans BHF KB avait franchi à la hausse le seuil de 40% et Oddo détenait 56.043.666 actions (représentant 42,38% des droits de vote dans BHF KB) tandis que la participation de FT avait franchi à la baisse le seuil de 3% et FT ne détenait plus d'action BHF KB. L'acquisition a également mis un terme à l'action de concert entre Oddo et FT.

Une copie de la notification de Oddo et FT est reproduite ci-dessous et disponible sur le site web de BHF KB sous la rubrique « Investor Information - Shareholder Information - Transparency Declarations ».


Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter :

Tél : +32 (0)2 643 60 10

Courriel : investor-relations@bhfkleinwortbenson.com

À propos de BHF Kleinwort Benson Group SA

BHF Kleinwort Benson (Euronext : BHFKB) est une société à responsabilité limitée organisée selon les dispositions de la législation belge, dont le siège social est sis Avenue Louise 326 à

1050 Bruxelles, Belgique. BHF Kleinwort Benson est une banque d'affaires axée sur la banque privée, la gestion d'actifs, les marchés financiers et les entreprises.

Pour plus d'informations, consultez notre site Internet :www.BHFKleinwortBenson.com

Communiqué de presse 22 janvier 2016

IMPORTANT Please read the following instructions before you fill in the declaration

For notifications of large participating interests, the FSMA recommends the use of form TR-1 BE, which it has developed, taking as a basis the European standard form and adapting it to the Belgian regulation.

The form is interactive. Therefore it is essential that you download it again for each new notification. When you select the name of an issuer in the list referred to in point 2,an

identification number will automatically appear.

The form consists of two parts: Part I, that must be transmitted to both the FSMA and the issuer, and Part II, to be sent exclusively to the FSMA.

Once you have opened the form on the FSMA's website, start by savingit on your computer (using "save as") before filling it in.

Once you have saved the form, remember also to verify that macrosare active.

The completed form should be sent to trp.fin@fsma.be exclusively as an .xlsmfile; otherwise its subsequent processing is impossible.

The names of the persons subject to a notification requirement as indicated in Part I automatically appear in Part II when you click on the "Click here"button in Section 6. Thus it is not possible to add any additional rows in Part II.

In order to add rowsin the various sections of Part (e.g. if there are several notifiers), please use only the "+" and "-" buttons.

Please do not unprotectthe form; please fill in only where authorized and do not modifythe formulas.

In Section 10, start with groups. In the case of groupsof notifiers with sub-totals to be filled in, please identify the members of the group and subsequently clickon "M"to fill in a sub-total.Repeat this for each group.Finish with people notifying alone.

Once Section 1Ois completed, clickon "calculate"to show the totals and sub-totals.

For further details, please refer to the extract from the Guide to the Transparency Legislation.

The (unsigned) form should be transmitted in xis format, and its file name should start with TR-1BE. In addition, a signed copy should also be transmitted, either in PDF format or by fax to +32(2)220.59. 12.

7501 31 52 M 1 7792549 I1


  1. Status of the notification


  2. Issuer


    Identification number,_08__66 01_-5-01_0_,

  3. Reason for the notification

  4. Notification by


    Acquisition or disposal of voling sacurilias or voting rights rermination of an agreement to act in concert


    A parent undertaking or a controlling person

    maintaining control

    Persons acting In concert who have concluded an agreement aimed either at acquiring control, at frustrating tile successful outcome of a bfd or at


    (& legal lorm lor legalpersons)

    Address (lor legalpersons)

    Philippe Oddo

    12, Boulevard de la Madeleine -75009 Paris

    Financiere ldat SAS

    12, Boulevard de la Madeleine -75009 Paris

    Oddo at Cle SCA

    12, Boulevard da la Madeleine -75009 Paris

    Franklin Templeton lnslitulional LLC

    600 Fifth Avenue, Naw York,10020 U.S.A.

  5. Persons subject to the notification requirement


    (&legal formlor legal persons)

    Address (lor legal persons)


  6. Persons that dispose of, ... voting rights (Only to be filled in if art. 7 of the Law applies)

  7. Date on which the threshold is crossed

    - - - - -- - - - -- - 13ro 1 ,2016 I(DD/MM!YYYY)

  8. Threshold that is crossed (in %)




    Clic k

    If thg holdlng hasfnllonbelow thlowast thrqshold,voyhnvo 1110qpllon qi not entering anynumbg,o undo, point 10

  9. Denominator

    132 244 1641

    Prqn o • !Jig• tho t19npml nn10,bolorofillingIn thodfitn

    7501 '.H 52M 177tJ254lJIJ

  10. Notified details

    A) Voting rights

    Previous notlrication

    After the transaction

    # of votina rights

    # or votino riahts

    % alvaUna rtahts

    Holders of voling rights

    Linked ta securities

    Not linkedto the securities

    Linked ta securities

    Not llnke!! to thg


    Phllrppe Oddo




    Financiero ldat SAS




    Oddo et Cle

    31 093359

    56 043666



    31 093 351>



    Franklin Templeton lnstltutlonal LLC

    23 206 681





    56 043688





    Sh! rt withgroups• of hotdars .Celcu1a10 aubtotols •ndthan finish withI ha porson11

    who arw '"ntorn, .Tho totn:s, subiotn1s g.nd 19Wiiibeupcfntod or:,co you have chck4d on

    B) Equivalent flnanclal Instruments

    Alter the transaction

    Holders or equivalent flnanclal Instruments

    Type of flnanclal instrument

    Expiration date

    Exercise period or date

    #of voting rights that may be acquired 11lhe Instrument Is exercised

    % of voling rights





    TOTAL (Inr11latlon 1o all expiration datH)

    ThoI ota wfl bl,updluad onceyou hoveclicked onCALCULATE :,

    TOTAL (Voting rights & Equivalent lnanclal

    instruments) #of voting rights

    % al voting rights

    56 043 686


  11. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held, if applicable

    e•on,odoscdbo, or;o,n •gingrnm inattachmqnt

    Oddo et Cle SCA Is controlled by Flnanclere ldat SAS which Is controlled by Philippe Oddo. Franklin Templeton Institutional LLC Is a wholly owned subsidiary of Franklin Ressources Inc.

  12. In case of proxy voting for only one GM

I l

Holder wlll cease to holdI

A will hold again

voling rights asof D

7501 J152 M 1779254911

BHF Kleinwort Benson Group issued this content on 2016-01-22 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-22 16:45:19 UTC

Original Document: http://www.bhfkleinwortbenson.com/media/71402/bhfkb_transparency-declaration-pr_oddo-and-ft_2016-22-01_f.pdf