Beijing Chunlizhengda Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. announced that as disclosed in the Circular, Ms. Yao Lijie has resigned as an independent non- executive Director of the fifth session of the Board, the chairman of the audit committee and nomination committee and a member of the remuneration committee due to her work arrangement with effect from the appointment of a new independent non-executive Director by way of an ordinary resolution by the Shareholders at the 2023 Annual General Meeting. Ms. Yao has confirmed that she has no disagreement with the Board and that she is not aware of any matter in relation to her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders. The Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to Ms. Yao for her contribution to the development of the Company during her term of office. At the 2023 Annual General Meeting, Ms. Xu Hong was elected an independent non-executive Director of the fifth session of the Board of the Company. The term of office of Ms. Xu will commence from the conclusion of the 2023 Annual General Meeting and expire upon the election of the sixth session of the Board of the Company. Subsequent to the aforesaid changes and as at the date of this announcement, the composition of the Board committees is as: Ms. Shi Wenling, Member of Remuneration
Committee and Strategic Committee, Mr. Shi Chunbao, Chairman of Strategic Committee, Ms. Yue Shujun, Member of Nomination Committee, Mr. Xie Feng Bao Member of Strategic Committee, Mr. Wang Xin, Member of
Strategic Committee, Member of Audit Committee. Ms. Xu Hong Chairman of Audit Committee Nomination Committee, and Member of Remuneration Committee. Mr. Wong Tak Shing Member of Audit Committee. Mr. Weng Jie
Member of Audit Committee, Member of Nomination Committee, and Chairman of Remuneration Committee.