The board of directors of Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd. announce that Mr. Zhou Guichang officially serves as the sole company secretary of the Bank from 31 March 2023, and at the same time, Dr. Ngai Wai Fung Maurice ceased to serve as the joint company secretary of the Bank. Since the listing of the shares of the Bank on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 30 December 2019, Mr. Zhou has performed his duty as a joint company secretary of the Bank with the successive assistance of Mr. LEI Kin Keong and Dr. Ngai Wai Fung Maurice acting as the other joint company secretary of the Bank respectively, who satisfy the requirements of Rules 3.28 and 8.17 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange. During the three-year period, Mr. Zhou has acquired a good understanding of the Listing Rules and the relevant experience within the meaning of Rule 3.28 of the Listing Rules and is capable of discharging the duties of the company secretary of the Bank independently.

Meanwhile, the Stock Exchange has also confirmed that Mr. Zhou is qualified to act as the company secretary of the Bank under Rule 3.28 of the Listing Rules and on-going assistance by Dr. Ngai will no longer be necessary.